For the full publication list, please check my ADS bibliography link

First/Corresponding-Author Articles

  1. "The Star Clusters as Links between Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Project. I. Numerical Method"
    Reina-Campos, Marta; Gnedin, Oleg Y.; Sills, Alison; Li, Hui, (2025ApJ...978...15R )

  2. "Stellar streams reveal the mass loss of globular clusters"
    Chen, Yingtian; Li, Hui; Gnedin, Oleg Y., (2024arXiv241119899C )

  3. "RIGEL: Simulating dwarf galaxies at solar mass resolution with radiative transfer and feedback from individual massive stars"
    Deng, Yunwei; Li, Hui; Liu, Boyuan; Kannan, Rahul; Smith, Aaron; Bryan, Greg L., (2024A&A...691A.231D )

  4. "Evolution and distribution of superbubbles in simulated Milky Way-like galaxies"
    Li, Chengzhe; Li, Hui; Cui, Wei; Marinacci, Federico; Sales, Laura V.; Vogelsberger, Mark; Torrey, Paul, (2024MNRAS.529.4073L )

  5. "Low- and High-velocity O VI in Milky Way-like Galaxies: The Role of Stellar Feedback"
    Zhang, Zhijie; Zhang, Xiaoxia; Li, Hui; Fang, Taotao; Yu, Qingzheng; Luo, Yang; Marinacci, Federico; Sales, Laura V.; Torrey, Paul; Vogelsberger, Mark, (2024ApJ...962...15Z )

  6. "Globular clusters contribute to the nuclear star clusters and galaxy centre gamma-ray excess, moderated by galaxy assembly history"
    Gao, Yuan ; Li, Hui; Zhang, Xiaojia ; Su, Meng ; Ng, Stephen Chi Yung, (2024MNRAS.527.7731G )

  7. "The influence of globular cluster evolution on the specific frequency in dwarf galaxies"
    Moreno-Hilario, Elizabeth; Martinez-Medina, Luis A.; Li, Hui; Souza, Stefano O.; Pérez-Villegas, Angeles, (2024MNRAS.527.2765M )

  8. "Simulating ionization feedback from young massive stars: impact of numerical resolution"
    Deng, Yunwei; Li, Hui; Kannan, Rahul; Smith, Aaron; Vogelsberger, Mark; Bryan, Greg L., (2024MNRAS.527..478D )

  9. "Formation and evolution of young massive clusters in galaxy mergers: the SMUGGLE view"
    Li, Hui; Vogelsberger, Mark; Bryan, Greg L.; Marinacci, Federico; Sales, Laura V.; Torrey, Paul, (2022MNRAS.514..265L )

  10. "Effects of initial density profiles on massive star cluster formation in giant molecular clouds"
    Chen, Yingtian; Li, Hui; Vogelsberger, Mark, (2021MNRAS.502.6157C )

  11. "The effects of subgrid models on the properties of giant molecular clouds in galaxy formation simulations"
    Li, Hui; Vogelsberger, Mark; Marinacci, Federico; Sales, Laura; Torrey, Paul, (2020MNRAS.499.5862L )

  12. "Disruption of giant molecular cloud and formation of bound star clusters under the influence of momentum stellar feedback"
    Li, Hui; Vogelsberger, Mark; Marinacci, Federico; Gnedin, Oleg Y., (2019MNRAS.487...364 )

  13. "Star cluster formation in cosmological simulations. III. Dynamical and chemical evolution"
    Li, Hui; Gnedin, Oleg Y. (2019MNRAS.486.4030L )

  14. "Star Cluster Formation in Cosmological Simulations. II. Effects of Star Formation Efficiency and Stellar Feedback"
    Li, Hui; Gnedin, Oleg Y.; Gnedin, Nickolay Y. (2018ApJ...861..107L )

  15. "Star Cluster Formation in Cosmological Simulations. I. Properties of Young Clusters"
    Li, Hui; Gnedin, Oleg Y.; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.; Meng, Xi; Semenov, Vadim A.; Kravtsov, Andrey V. (2017ApJ...834...69L )

  16. "Modeling the Formation of Globular Cluster Systems in the Virgo Cluster"
    Li, Hui; Gnedin, Oleg Y. (2014ApJ...796...10L )

  17. "Gamma-rays from molecular clouds illuminated by accumulated diffusive protons - II. Interacting supernova remnants "
    Li, Hui; Chen, Yang (2012MNRAS.421..935L )

  18. "Derivation of the Electron Distribution in Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946 via a Spectral Inversion Method "
    Li, Hui; Liu, Siming; Chen, Yang (2011ApJ...742L..10L )

  19. "Gamma-rays from molecular clouds illuminated by accumulated diffusive protons from supernova remnant W28 "
    Li, Hui; Chen, Yang (2010MNRAS.409L..35L )

  20. "Lepto-hadronic origin of gamma-rays from the G54.1+0.3 pulsar wind nebula"
    Li, Hui; Chen, Yang; Zhang, Li (2010MNRAS.408L..80L )